So, this is something completely different. So completely different that I’m not sure how to preface it. But, I wrote it spur of the moment and now I’m not sure what it turned into. It made people smile anyhow, so that’s encouraging don’t you think?

Once upon a time, two little men were seen arguing with each other. Some said that they were arguing about the flavor of tomatoes and beef while most people rejected this theory and were confident that the topic of their discussion was the precise time of day. But let’s take a step in and see for ourselves. 

“I disagree,” said the light haired one. He also happened to be the light headed one. “Because if you ask any reasonable people they would disagree as well. Just try and see. I hold my opinion tightly. You cannot take it from me.”

“I hold my opinion tighter,” declared the dark haired one. He also happened to be the one with a gloomy outlook on life. “In fact, I hold my opinion so tight that it has ceased all normal breathing abilities. It has died. I’ve choked it. We shall bury it as soon as a funeral can be properly arranged. Please notify the morgue.”

“I shall not,” said the light haired one. “In fact, my opinion is so alive and well that it is growing at a rapid pace. I hold my opinion with a protective and affectionate embrace, not the grasp and squeeze of a deadly snake.”

“I object,” said the dark haired one. “Your opinion is but twice the size as when we started. Rapid growth would render it at least four times the stature, and it is apparent that it has not reached this point. I think it best to settle back and behold my deceased opinion. It is well preserved and only shows a spot of mold. If we venerate it we shall learn much and come only to conclusions that I agree with. If we trifle with your inexperienced thoughts we shall end in chaos and very likely New Territory and Hypothesis.”

A long silence followed during which the dark haired one sipped a pumpkin spice latte and spruced up his hair. The light haired one just simmered in the background, outraged that anyone would accuse him of New Territory and Hypothesis. Finally, he spoke. 

“If I understand you correctly, you have just reduced me to the scientific method and speculation. I resent this. I truly do. In fact, my opinions have roots and foundations and do not spring up in a half second and wilt in three fourths. They grow as young stable colts, fed with fine oats. Your convictions will continue to mold and rot until nothing is left but green slimy silt. No, no. Do not accuse me of such fluff so often to be found in scientists and psychologists.”

“I do not accuse you of fluff, but merely trifling nothings. Your opinions have never been tried. They shall ultimately drive all sensible folk as myself to Improvement. We don’t want it, thank you. We prefer our comfortable narrow mindedness and unprofitable nearsightedness. Don’t challenge our safety which we find in ignorance.”

“I must challenge it,” declared the hater of pumpkin spice lattes. “If I do not challenge it I might as well shrivel up like a mushroom. Take chances. Try for a short season to let your eyes take in the wide expanses of dreary openness and depressing, unknowable voids. Look deep into the vast future and dive head first into Opportunity.”

The moody one shook his head. “No Opportunity for me. I detest it.”

“Then this conversation is pointless.”




Hannah Jo <3