A dear friend of mine, Jenny Chasteen, has just published her first book! And let me tell you, you don’t want to miss it. Mercy and Her Shield is a book that left me with a yearning. A yearning for the next book. Unfortunately, the next book hasn’t been written yet, and so I must wait very patiently… and *cough cough* I’m not the best at that. But while I wait, I’ll share with you about this fantastic first installment!

Jenny doesn’t waste words. Everything, literally everything, has meaning. Each name, each place, each sentence. Everything is slowly painting a picture. And, my friends, the picture is beautiful. If this book were a painting, we would see clearly the contrasting colors: good and evil, light and darkness, brokenness and healing, hope and despair. And ultimately, sin and a Savior.

Right off, we are introduced to the three Rescuers: Grace, Confidence, and Mercy. They are on a mission for their Father the King and they have all they need to accomplish the assignment. Before setting out, the trio has been equipped with Confidence’s unbreakable Sword, against which no foe can stand. Mercy bears the Shield which gives much needed guidance, and Grace carries the Bow and Arrows. The accuracy of those Arrows is stunning. Together they rescue Subjects from the growing darkness. Together they fight off the deadly attacks of the enemy. Together they wait for their Father to make all things new. These are the children you grow to love. (Seriously, you need to read this book.)

The Rescuers are really walking by faith through the entire book. After hearing from their Father what each next little step should be, they obey his command. But one hundred percent of the time they have no idea why he has instructed what he has. Nothing seems to make sense. But they obey. From the beginning to the end they believe that their Father has a good plan in mind and all they have to do is follow.

I won’t explore the whole plot right now because, ahem, you should read this book. But I will say a few words about the main character, Mercy.

Mercy is the quiet one, the timid one, the gentle one. She tends wounds and soothes children and tells stories. Her thoughts run deep and her troubles are largely unheard by the others. She is the servant. Throughout her story I love watching how she stays faithful to her task. But staying faithful is itself a grueling task. Worry seems to hound her. Tending to the Subjects and their wounds becomes worrisome, as does keeping a sharp lookout for enemies twenty-four-seven. A Subject is recaptured by the enemy, leading to more worry. And then her brother Truth seems to be having strange doubts. After a time, things seem to be pretty much hopeless.

Chapter by chapter Mercy is longing for her home. Day by day she is longing for the growing darkness to be overcome. Hour by hour she is longing for a time of peace, a time when worry is put behind. Worry follows her wherever she goes.

Then Good News arrives. Her oldest brother Joshua is coming. And suddenly she knows all will be right. Where Joshua is, there she is safe, even in the middle of worry and darkness and deceit. And now her longing turns to him. If only Joshua would come. And by the middle of the book you find yourself longing for this Elder Brother as much as Mercy is. He will make all things right.

And now I’d better stop. Or else I give everything away. But as you can see, you REALLY need to read this book. Jenny has done a fabulous job in every way, and you can see her heart for the Lord really shining through her work.

(Here’s a link to buy her book… you should click it… and buy it… 😉 )



Hannah Jo <3